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In this 11-minute video mini-series on anxiety, will discuss how to break down a trigger to get to a belief. The belief is what is allowing you to stay in that anxious state. Eliminating that belief will begin the process of being calm in your worst situations. The method of eliminating anxiety may seem impossible, but with this method, you not only see that it is possible, but you already have done it already.

Before we start, keep an eye out for the Minecraft creeper in the back video bombing me.

I will boil anxiety down to it core. Which is found in your belief structure. 

This structure comes from your childhood and your past experiences. Patrick Lerouge from www.livepainfreeprocess.com speaking about anxietyWe must begin the process of listening to our minds and acknowledge the thought and the words we say to ourselves. This is the first step to eliminating anxiety.

Writing down our thoughts.

This is a key step to this method. By writing your thoughts make them tangible.For this reason, it is important, as well as for this reason many will attempt to omit this step. 

Weriting anything makes this real. Makes it tangible where you can begin to take it apart, and that is the next step to this method. Asking yourself a very hard question. 



This question can and will be very elusive. your mind will give you fake cop-out answers and your mind will make it easy. This is not the point of the exercise. you have to get to an emotional place. The way to the emotional place which gets you one step closer to eliminating anxiety is to ask that why question three time.

By asking and answering truthfully you will get to a belief. This belief is the reason why you were triggered in the first place. It will take practice at listening to yourself at the moment but and more time sitting with the answers you get but it is worth it. I wrote many down in my journal they come streaming out eventually. JUst hang in there and you will get the hang of it.


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