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In this video tip, I will be explaining how learning how in 4 easy breaths can relieve anxiety. By stopping and do an easy breathing exercise properly can bring you in a place to relieve anxiety. If you have not yet seen last weeks video on what is anxiety please go watch that. This is the first practical action video where I walk you through how to properly do this exercise. You can come back here and time to relieve anxiety.

Patrick Lerouge from www.livepainfreeprocess.com speaking about anxiety

One of the main focuses of this lesson besides the breathing is who you are on the inside. Being able to combat and relieve anxiety. You must be confident and believe in what you are doing, in order to be allowed into a place where healing takes place. You must find your lion from within and lead with that when you are at a low point when you are in pain.

Learning The Stop

Is the first component in how you relieve anxiety. You must be able to say stop and look at yourself. Last week we spoke about listing out your triggers so you would have a list to work off of. If you have done this then you have an advantage. You understand when a trigger is coming. Now that you can Stop and practice how to get into your self and begin the process of decreasing your anxiety.

The Guard

In the video I reference a guard you must make it past. This guard concept is something many don’t think about and never get to the area that healing takes place. Once you make it there and because you are confident and secure with what you are doing you can get to the place where healing takes place. This is where you apply the 4 square breathing exercise. By practicing this often you will gain the confidence needed to use this when the time comes.

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