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Part two of how to clear chronic neck pain. I give you a way to notice if you have the makings of chronic neck pain. I will Show you a few muscles that come with neck pain. We will be using trigger point to help with the immediate neck issue I see a lot of times when you can turn your head and a shoulder might be holding a higher position. If you have not watched the first video, I did go through a lot of details on the first rib and why this is happening so please watch that as well to understand the bigger picture of not being able to breathe completely.

Before I show you that I had a few people ask me, ” I do have to tightness throughout my upper body, and I do hurt my neck, How do I know is it chronic neck pain.” There are many muscles throughout your upper that can hold tension and focused on like the rhomboids and traps. They play a big role but not for keeping a person in a chronic state of repetition. They get targeted because they are well known and superficial. In the video before I speak about scalenes.


Have a referral pain or a tightness pattern down the arm in the front and the into the chest. Also down the back of the body between the shoulder blades.  This is a common tightness pattern that many have but do not put the clues together. The blame goes to working out or sleeping funny. When it signs of scalenes tightness and more so the stress of the first rib not functioning well.www.livepainfreeprocess.com




Sternocliedio mastoid

Is another muscle that plays a role and does not get enough attention. It referrals a lot of tension into the head. But cause many other ailmentsPatrick Lerouge www.livepainfreeprocess.com and plays a major role in chronic neck pain.  Inside the video, I show the other areas that SCM refers pain too. This image shows more the head and ringing of the ear points.

Enjoy the video.

If you struggle with this issue you might want to check out my trigger point course that shows you how to reclaim a pain-free life.


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