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What’s up? Patrick Lerouge here from Evolve Restorative Therapy. You can find me at Livepainfreeprocess.com, and I have a pain free concierge practice. It helps many people get out of pain rapidly based off of my live pain free process. It’s doing well because it helps you eliminate your pain by giving you a step-by-step process to eliminate pain physically. It clarifies your mind as well as balance out your emotional state, which ultimately makes an optimized athlete. I designed it to help people live and move pain free. This month is all about healing the ankle. Ankle issues plague everyone from the common person to the pro-athletes. For example, Rondae Jefferson is currently out from the Nets, and then Victor Cruz has been out for a minute; I would love to work with Victor Cruz. I’ve been watching him for a while, and he’s still not back. I would love to help him out if anybody knows how I can get to him.

There are so many aspects of the ankle that people don’t really focus on. They always think about just the mechanics of the ankle, how the ankle works. There is so much more to it. You have to start thinking about it. The body doesn’t happen to just hurt you for any reason. It goes on and on and on until something blows because it can’t handle it anymore. You haven’t been solving the problem it has been telling you.

Unless you’ve been in a car accident or somebody hit you with a bat and you decide to block them with your ankle, you have a structural problem. I want to bring you through the pain free mindset of  healing the ankle.

Rondae Jefferson, Victor Cruz, listen up, because this can help you out. Emotionally, we have to learn how to sit in the soup within pain and figure out what else the body is trying to tell us. When I see ankle issues, knee issues, or major joint issues like shoulders, ankles, and wrists, I always see an inflexibility within their emotional state. I was reading Louise Hay’s book, and she was talking about the concept of not being able to be receptive to positive feelings, to the concept of pleasure. I forget the exact word she used, but I started looking through all my cases, and I started seeing the giver-getter aspect.

The givers, people that give a lot of themselves emotional and physically, couldn’t receive love well because that’s not in a giver’s nature. I started seeing a lot of my cases of those; they were the givers. If I got them just to open up a little bit more and started receiving a little bit of the love in the heart realm, I started seeing their treatment get faster and faster and better and better. In the emotional aspect within the pain free mindset, learn how to sit with this to sit and see what your body is saying. Let’s start seeing how your give and take relationship within pleasure is.

That inflexibility aspect also transfers into the mind. Are you being inflexible with yourself? Saying things like “I have to do to it this way. I have to get better by this time. I have to get things moving because I have to.”  You’re not being very flexible or very forgiving with yourself. That’s going to be key because pro-athletes are designed to keep on moving. They’re gladiators. I’ve worked with a lot of triathletes and they’re gladiators. They just keep on going. They have to accomplish their next goal.

They must learn to be soft with themselves. I taught them to be easy with themselves, and they realized that their body started to roll with it. They started to move with it. You have to start becoming more flexible with yourself in the mental aspect. You have to be clearer about what’s happening with yourself. Are you being not flexible mentally with your other goals within your life? It doesn’t have to be in your sport or your activity. It could actually be with your job, with your kids, or with your spouse. All these different things play a key role in healing the ankle. Start looking at yourself as a whole. That’s key.

Then, you start looking at the physical. Within the physical, there’s the stability versus mobility aspect. The ankle joint is trying to protect itself. Maybe the intrinsic muscles of your feet aren’t working properly. If you get those little muscles within your feet working, your ankle naturally becomes more of a movable object. It starts to want to move.

Then you start noticing your body; your foot is supposed to absorb as well as disperse the weight load based off your ankle. Is your foot flat? If it’s flat, you have to start working on getting the intrinsic muscles to start to pick up, creating a little arch, or your arch is too high and rigid. Now when you land on the floor, you’re landing on one side and then collapsing consistently. That’s how you break that pinky bone. Not muscle, the bone. You start fracturing. I hear about these fractures often. I see a lot of calluses being built up around the pinky joint because they consistently land there and start rolling off that area. We are talking about little baby movements here, so it takes an eye to see it and understand how it can add up.

When you’re running, you have ten times the amount of kinetic force based off your weight on that area. Those little movements add up. Start looking at your stability versus mobility within your ankle. Let’s get your intrinsic muscles working as well as what’s happening above your ankle. Is your calf also locking itself in place and being rigid in its movements? It’s your peroneal, your anterior tibialis. The whole front of your leg, side of the leg, back of your leg aspect is what you really want to start working with and want to start seeing become more functional.

That’s what is going to start getting your ankle to move better. Emotionally, what’s happening that you’re not able to see the give and takes of pleasure? As well as mentally, how clear are you with that? Are you being flexible with yourself? Are you being easy with yourself in all realms, not just in the physical, but in the emotional and the mental? Physically, what are you doing for self-care? Are you working with the intrinsic muscles? Are you working with your calf, or better yet from your knees down? Go all the way to the hip. Are you working with your glut? Your posterior chain needs to balance out with your anterior chain. Start seeing a bigger picture, and then your ankle will start naturally wanting to rehab itself because that’s what the body does. Next week, I’m going to show you a couple things on how to tweak your fascia for your calf and for your ankle.

Then, we’re going to go over some trigger point work with your calf, peroneals, and a couple other things within your intrinsic muscles and things like that to get your feet working better. fter that, we’re going to start stretching. We’re going to stretch your calf, your peroneals, and the tibialis anterior. There are so many different aspects, but it’s all about getting your ankle to move better.

For the month of February, let’s do this, right? Oh, if you guys need any other help, please ask me. Also, you can always go to the pain relief zone. I dropped a couple of new videos. I have a shoulder relief video going there. I have the foot and calf. I have the back. I have so many different things in there. If you guys need help, it’s there for you. They’re twenty bucks. They’re easy. Go get them, all right? Until next time guys, bye.

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