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What’s up? Patrick Lerouge here from Evolve Restorative Therapy. You can find me at www.livepainfreeprocess.com. I help people get out of pain extremely fast by using my process called the Live Pain Free process, which literally gives you a step by step aspect on how to eliminate pain physically and how to enhance your mental aspect as well as balance out your emotional states. It easily can optimize athletic performance, but it’s designed to help you live and move pain-free. This week, we’re going to finish up last week’s topic, and it’s all about how to stay out of pain. We talked about getting out of pain. If you haven’t watched it, go back and take a look. We talked about the three things that you need to do to eliminate pain. There are three major things in the macro-view. This week, we’re going to talk about how to stay out of pain. First thing to stay out of pain, you have to understand and know your body is designed to protect itself. The fight-or-flight system will activate continuously, so it’s your job to bring that back down. I have an old video about how I help people understand the fight-or-flight mechanism using my plasma ball. The plasma ball teaches you that if you can focus, and your central nervous system is focused on your fight-or-flight system, just by you focusing on it, it lowers that.

There’s many different macro aspects to staying out of pain. The micro aspects of is this to get to lower your fight-or-flight mechanism, and there’s many ways to do that, but the plasma ball is there to teach you what you need to do in getting that fight or flight aspect down. It’s your job to consciously consistently drop that fight-or-flight mechanism down, and it’s going to keep on kicking on because it’s hard-wired into our cells. It’s been there since the dawn of time, and it’s there to keep you safe. That’s number one. You have to consistently, consciously, continuously — I don’t know how many other ways I can put it — drop that down. To drop it down, find a way that you love, like breathing and meditation; there are many different ways. That is number one.

Number two is a different concept. Everyone understands there is an energetic aspect to ourselves, and everyone understands that we are electrical beings. We’re a giant battery; there’s an electrical aspect to our muscle tissues. There’s laws and principles that balance ourselves out. For instance, within your fascial system, your anterior chain balances out your posterior chain. It’s our job to consistently balance us out electrically, front to back, side to side. Whenever one thing turns on, we have to electrically turn up the other ones, and it happens naturally. It’s not something that you have to think about; the problem is that we’re predisposed to doing certain things now. To balance that out, for example, let’s use the anterior and posterior chain. We live an anterior life; everything is in front of us. The anterior side of our body is electrically getting more stimulus, which now turns off the posterior side.

The way you balance that out is doing more things for the posterior aspect of your body, which balances you out electrically. Now, we’re not talking just anterior versus posterior because there’s so many aspects of electrical balancing. You want to understand there are more benefits when working like this, with that anterior-posterior. When you activate the posterior, it opens you up, it makes you more confident, and it gives you more energy. It does so many things mentally and emotionally, not just physically. Circulation balances itself out with the digestive system. There’s so many aspects of electrical balance that you have to focus on. Now we’re going really microscopic, so electrically, your body has to balance out posterior and anteriorly.

The third thing we have to do is understand on a microscopic level that your body needs specific resources all the time, and they need to be ready to be used at all times for your body to function. You need to have the resources on a cellular level to stay out of pain. Let’s use hydration as an example. If you’re not hydrated all the time and your body is not going to function well, then you’re just running off of yourself. Your body is eventually going to stall out, and it’s just going to slowly tick away. You slowly start to wear yourself out, then you start to get thirsty. When you’re thirsty, you’re already dehydrated, which means you’re way past the gate. You have to drink so much water just to get your hydration level back up to functional, before it starts to want to really heal. You always have to have the resources needed at the time that it’s necessary; that’s the key component.

There’s different diets that do it in different ways, but it’s always about keeping your insulin level at a steady rate, rather than spiking it up and coming down. It’s always about steadiness; it’s always about maintaining homeostasis. All of the diets that are great, talk about managing that insulin level, and that’s again the balance of the electrical. You have to keep that balance.

Those three major things will help you stay out of pain forever, which is completely different in the three things that get you out of pain. They’re all on a big level, but each one of them has its own thing that you have to do. For the three things that you need to worry about today on staying out of pain is number one, constantly getting your fight-or-flight system to calm down. Number two, electrically balance yourself. Easiest one, do more posterior activities rather than your anterior activities when you go to the gym, which then will change your mindset, your emotional state as well as your physical, and the third is start eating things that’s designed to give you more resources inside your body consistently.

Those three things will help you stay out of pain for the duration of your life. Until next time folks, later.

Patrick discusses that there is huge difference between getting out of pain and staying out of pain

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