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What’s up? Patrick Lerouge here from Evolve, Restorative Therapy. You can find me at Livepainfreeprocess.com. I help people get out of pain relatively quickly all because of the Live Pain Free Process. What it does, it gives you a step by step guide on how to get out of pain using foam rolling, trigger point and stretching, also known as the core 3 in my world. It also balances out your mental state, as well as gives you a nice, peaceful balanced emotional state, which easily can optimize athletic performance, but it’s designed to help you live and move pain free. We’re going to do a 2 part video this time around, and we’re going to be talking about the difference about getting out of pain this week, and staying out of pain next week. There are 2 completely different worlds. I’m going to take it from a macro view, into a micro view.


The microscopic aspect is where all of us stays, the massage therapist, PT’s, personal trainers, all sorts of different doctors, they look at the microscopic aspect and stay doing actions there and hoping it makes a lasting change, and majority of the time it makes changes but not lasting. We all do it, I would like to do is blow up and get you to see a bigger picture.  I want you to look at this in a big, big way. To get out of pain, there’s 3 major things and to stay out of pain, there’s 3 completely different things. It’s the rule of 3, it’s how our brain works best, it’s just relatively easy to remember aspects of 3. What is the three things that we need to stay out of pain?

Number 1, we need to get you to make a very substantial, variable change. Our body is a variable all on its own. It changes all the time. It needs you to make a substantial viable change. If you go to a personal trainer, they’re going to work out a specific muscle group, or specific muscle chain. That chain is going to show the body that it has more muscle fibers, and more compensation patterns, which is going to shift the body into doing something different. That is a substantial, variable change. There are many of them. You can do it through your circulatory system, by changing your diet. You can change your mindset. You can change the way that you move, your kinetic movement chain. There’s so many variable changes that you can make, but you need 1 of those. It’s like a staple that you need to do.

Number 2,  You need to understand that you have to consistently get things moving and staying moving. Let’s go back to that variable change of a muscle chain working. In the muscular world your body has a posterior line, anterior line in the fascial world. You need to get muscle fibers to start working inside of one aspect of the chain, but you have to get the whole chain moving. If you have a calf issue, the calf get functional as well as it has to link up with the rest of the chain.

Once that starts working, that brings us to number 3. You have to get the whole chain working together and get the chain to hold that pattern for a long or substantial time. That’s within the world of muscle tissue.  Let’s say  you have a back pain or an ankle pain, you will need to get a valuable change, like getting your calf tissue to work. You get the calf to start being able to move, you now create a variable change like that there’s more slack in that posterior chain, which now alleviates some of the back tension that’s happening there. Now you have to get the entire chain to start learning how to move. That’s when you do the downward dogs or any movement that utilizes the whole chain, so a lot of the dynamic movement can also work.

In short start getting things to move, then you have to condition that chain to work for long periods of time. That time might take a little bit but then the pain goes away. Dietary change,  like you start drinking more water. More water starts to link up with the whole hydration system, in short, as well as it starts to fuel your circulatory system. That circulatory system will naturally start to heal and bring more fluid to the areas that need help, which then can relax and open and close, and do the things that it needs to do, and it starts to communicate.

That is the 3 things that you need to stop to get out of pain. Random 3 things that’s at a macro view of what your body needs to heal mentally, physically and emotionally. That’s just what you need.

Next week, we’re going to talk about the 3 things to stay out of pain, which is completely different. There’s 3 major things on that end to stay out of pain, but they’re still on the macro view. We have a tendency to just start looking for small action like I just need a foam roll. I just need a foam roll it a little bit more. I need a trigger point a little more. The core 3 is just a tool that’s going to help you learn. It’s just like the concept of a corrective exercise. You shouldn’t do corrective exercises all the time, because it’s supposed to correct an issue. Then as you live your life, that’s when the issue starts to sustain itself. That’s the vitality aspect of our body, but that’s a whole other story, and we’ll talk about it next week. If you guys need any other questions please reach out. If you haven’t looked yet, go get the PDF for 40 Different ways for Eliminating Pain, they’re actually quite fun, pretty cute. If you need more help, go to the pain relief zone. Until next time, later.

Patrick discusses how to tell apart a bone pain and a muscle pain.

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