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What’s up, everybody? Patrick Lerouge here from Evolve Restorative Therapy. You can find me at livepainfreeprocess.com. I am pretty gifted at getting people out of pain because I understand the concept that there are two phases in the body. It’s in a protective phase or a healing phase. All I have to do is get you in that healing phase, and your body does what it naturally does: Heal. I create innovative ways to get you to heal by getting you to focus inward, which brings you into that healing phase. Today, I want to talk to you about how much of a weirdo I am and how much I love aspects of me, which is partly weird. My beloved clients that know me well call me weirdo all the time, and I actually smile. It took me awhile to get used to it, but I enjoy it because what makes me a weirdo is why I’m so good at what I do. I believe everyone has this aspect of them inside themselves; I just embrace mine. Everyone has the different voices in their heads. You just have to learn how to not let them control you because then you will be quite crazy, nutty in the head, and that’s not good.

I embrace my weirdo side because I embrace the other voices in my head; the more you do that, the faster and better your life is going to become because all those voices in your head is not to trick you, not to mess with you, not to make you think something’s wrong. It will give you different opinions, different aspects of who you truly are in the situation that you’re in.

A lot of people don’t realize that these other voices in your head are part of you. There’s a masculine side of you. There’s a feminine side. There’s your higher self. There’s your lower self. There’s your evil person. There’s your nice person. There’s the right and wrong aspects of you. There’s so many different conversations going on in your head. The more you can actually utilize those people, the better you’re going to be able to decipher a situation.

How does that line up with pain-free living? It’s part of the concept of a pain-free mindset. The more you can actually hear all the different voices in your head, the more you’ll realize that you’re doing more negative talk than positive talk. Let’s say you have a knee issue or a shoulder issue, and you’re always saying, “Oh my God, it’s not getting better. Oh my goodness, this sucks because I’m always in pain.” You’re not realizing that there’s a change that’s happening. Your body’s always changing, and it’s always progressing, whether it be very, very small or humongous chunks. Healing. I’ve said this countless times. Healing is not the happy-go-lucky feeling that people think it is. It’s quite barbaric. There’s not always a happy feeling that comes when your body is healing.

You have to realize those negative voices that you hear and are giving power to are actually slowing down the process. If you learn how to see that and just shift it to the positive side, your body is now going to listen to the right people that say inside your head. Your body’s going to shift into that healing zone. That stays. It’s all about just learning how to not listen the bad person, the woe-is-me, the victim, and start listening to the person that’s the conqueror, the more empowered voices, the person that’s going to help the progress. “Yes, my knee hurts now, but I’m doing my stretches that I need to do. I’m doing the visits with my therapist that I need to do. I’m seeing Patrick. I’m doing all the things that helps my knee, and my knee used to be like pain and can’t move. Now, it’s moving at least.”

It’s progressing. That is the purpose of listening to the different voices in your head. The more access you have to those other people in a controlled manner, the more you can actually bounce things off of yourself, and the more different ways you’re going to be able to solve a problem. Your brain is a problem-solving device. If you allow it to hit infinite possibilities, it will start bouncing different ways out.

Now I’m giving you a clue on how to utilize your different voices in your head. Every different way of solving a problem is a different voice, a different aspect of yourself. It’s a different way of solving a problem. It’s going to come with a different voice, a different sound, a different feel. It all works together. You just have to learn which one is your good guy, your bad guy, your masculine, your feminine, your higher self, your lower self, your rights, your wrongs, evil, devil, whatever you want to call it, all these different aspects of yourself. You’re going to start learning how to utilize it, and then whatever situation you’re in, whether it be pain, whether it be financial, whether it be mental, whether it be emotional, those people are there to help you. Allow them to help you. Okay?

If you need anything else, give me a holler. Always, always love the questions that I’m getting. Until next time. See you later.


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