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What’s up everybody? Patrick Lerouge here. I’m an intuitive healing expert and the creator of the Live Pain Free Process. You can find me at the livepainfreeprocess.com. I’m here to help people understand that everything is connected in the body. Once you understand that connectivity, you can start using it to your advantage to help you heal faster, move better, and live your life the way that you’re supposed to. Today, what we’re going to be talking about is the concept of convenience is the silent killer. I’m giddy about this, because I’ve been talking to all my clients about it, and most of them have the general thought of “Oh, you’re being kind of hard” or “Silent killer, that’s a real big claim.” The more I talk to people about it, the more I realize it is a silent killer.” You don’t even realize it. By law, your body needs to be taxed, it needs to be challenged and stimulated to make it grow stronger and keep on going, but, we’re living in a life, that’s consistently making it easier for your body just to die out. If it has no reason to build a bone, it won’t (i.e. osteoporosis). If you’re looking for scoliosis or a low back pain, keep on sitting.


All we’re doing is sitting nowadays. We drive cars everywhere. Yes it’s convenient, and it makes us go faster. We work at a desk for a major of the day to get paid, and the list goes on, but you have to start trying to get out there and walk. It’s all about getting to understand the balance between living our life and challenging our bodies. The body is something that’s going to wither away unless it’s challenged. That’s a law. It has to be done. We have to consciously and effectively try to find ways to challenge ourselves.

Things like the standing work desk are great because you’re working, you’re standing, and you’re doing different things. There’s going to be pros and cons to everything, but, you have to challenge yourself, like sitting on a stability ball instead of sitting on a chair and getting on the floor while you’re just watching TV and doing things on the floor. Try to stay as low as possible on the floor like moving around 5 inches off the floor; play like a child. It is crucial to work at challenging your body because we do have to live our lives. We have to work eight hours a day because we have all these bills to pay. We have all these things to do, but we forget that we have to challenge ourselves and stop thinking about convenience.

When you park your car, make it a little bit farther away. Now that I’m telling you that, park at the farthest spot as possible that you know, and take a little hike over there. I’m just talking about going to the last spot on the lot in the last row. Start challenging yourself because if you don’t, your body’s naturally going to wither away. If it doesn’t need to make you stronger in specific areas, it won’t.


For example, the reason why hiking is so good is because you’re moving and challenging different areas. You have to start pulling yourself up rocks, jumping down, and controlling your weight load. Your body’s going to start realizing that it needs to consistently build more muscle tissue. The more muscle tissue is challenged, the more it is going to get stronger from you forcing it to control its weight. Then, it’s going to realize that muscle tissue’s going to rip off the bone, so the tendon has to be tighter. That means it has to hold on to the bone harder. The bone has to get harder to hold on to the rest and keep you upright. That’s the way the body is supposed to function.


But because we’re always on our cellphones, in our cars, on our soft couches, we all are unknowingly doing it.  This is why convenience is silently killing us. I love talking about this, but I’m realizing, the more and more I make my life convenient, I must balance it out with challenges. I’m not saying my life isn’t convenient. I’m not going off the grid per se. If I am in my car, it better be for a pretty twenty minute drive. It better be for a distance, and it better be for something, or else you’re taking your life and dwindling it. That might be hard to hear, but that’s true. If I can ride my bike somewhere, I’m going to ride my bike. If I can walk somewhere, surely I am going to walk there. But if you have to drive, drive, and own up to it. Be honest with yourself if something is within walking distance. Start whittling those convenient things down, and you’re going to start realizing things are going to change physically. You’ll actually start to feel better because now you’re asking more of yourself.

So folks, if you like this, share it. If you know somebody that needs to hear this because they’re not recognizing that they’re doing a lot of things that’s keeping their body down — based off of convenience and having a really easy life — and they’re not looking at the bigger picture, send it to them. If you guys are not part of the can, and you’re a part of the evolved crew, the family wants you in. We’ll gladly have you. Until next time folks, bye.




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