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What’s up folks! Patrick Lerouge here from Evolve Restorative Therapy. You can find me at livepainfreeprocess.com. Today we want to talk about Giving Away Your Power. I see this constantly as I’m working on a new patient or a new client. They want me to fix them, because they think I have more knowledge. Yet what people don’t realize is that they actually have more knowledge.



You know yourself better than anyone else in the world. What you have to realize is that you can’t get from Point A to Point B, because you don’t have the steps. I may have the steps but you have the knowledge which means you have more power than I do. I consistently battle with my clients to empower them to do the things they need to do to learn about themselves. That’s what this is all about. You have a huge choice every time you enter a situation. A good example is when people give power to their doctors. You have tendonitis, so you go to the orthopedic surgeon. You have to go because you need the information to see what treatments are needed. He will then give you 6 weeks to recuperate. You can now make the choice to get better yourself before this 6-week timeline or give him your power and follow his rules. Your body knows how to heal you just need to believe in yourself to get your power back. You’re not broken, you just don’t have the steps. Take back your power and realize that you have what it takes to make any situation get better. It’s just your job to figure out the steps. It’s not going to be easy but if it was, everyone would be doing it and living a pain-free life. You just have to find out what works for you. You go to doctors and therapists by asking them what is going on and what is missing. Even if you have a broken bone, your body is not broken and can still function highly with a broken bone. You just need to find out what you’re capable of and that takes practice and work.


So remember, you always have a choice whether to give up your power or reclaim your power. Have your therapists work side by side with you. Start looking inside yourself and realize that you can do it. It’s really easy because our body heals naturally. The hard part is realizing that you trust yourself. You will then start regaining your power, one experience at a time. You will realize it can do more and more, because you are fighting for it. Don’t give your power away, fight for it. If you find a therapist that says they will ‘fix’ you, run away! They can make you feel better at that moment, but they won’t always be with you. Start learning all the things you need to do, to make yourself better. That’s a powerful person! That’s what I’m looking for and what you are truly capable of! If you know someone who needs to hear this message, send it to them. This is one of the biggest messages I can give people. You are powerful! Until next time! Bye.

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