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Hi everybody! Patrick Lerouge here from Evolve Restorative Therapy. You can find me at livepainfreeprocess.com. I help people that need and live an active life, living it to the fullest and improving speed and flexibility. They are amazing people after they start doing the things that make them better. I show you why your body falls apart in the first place and then you just have to clean it up whichever way you is best for you. Today we are talking about body aches in the morning. Today’s tip is more eclectic because we are going to be bouncing between nutrition and how your body functions. I like to mesh these topics together, but I’m not a nutritionist. You have to understand that your body’s prime healing time is when you sleep.


We sleep for 7 to 8 hours in the morning, sometimes 12 hours. I sleep 6 to 7 hours and I’m up at 5:30 in the morning with no alarm clock. I’m just going because my body is running consistently and it knows how it’s functioning. Find out how you’re functioning and how much sleep you get. Now take that timeline of sleep and realize that your body is running overtime as it’s trying to heal. This is what everybody forgets. We all know we are not supposed to eat past a certain time because you’re not supposed to have so much food in your body when you’re sleeping. Please understand that there’s a pro to not eating at that time, because your body starts to burn fat, it’s easier to digest, and easier to sleep. However, keep in mind that your body needs resources to heal.   So if you are sleeping on an empty stomach, what is your body going to work with? This is especially true if you’re not used to burning fat for energy. Your body has to learn how to burn fat to gain energy. Your body will break things down but without food, your body can’t fix anything, so it needs to pull the resources from somewhere else. Thus causing aches when you wake up in the morning. You can start moving around and creating blood flow, so after your shower or cup of coffee, you feel better. This is because now your body has resources to use. One of the reasons you are sore in the morning, is you’re not giving your body the resources it needs to go through the night and heal.


So what is my suggestion? Remember, I could never give you a problem without a solution. You want to eat something that is slow burning, maybe an hour before you go to sleep. Eat something that has some fullness to it, for example, peanut butter. It’s a slow burning carbohydrate and will keep your body functioning while you sleep. Alternatively, you might start gaining some weight so find something that keeps your body burning without causing you to gain weight. You can also eat many vegetables to give you energy for the long term. This is all about giving you resources to help you heal consistently so you don’t feel bad in the morning. So find something that works for you. However long you sleep, you need that time to heal and now you just need to make it more efficient. Eat something that is going to promote healing. Be real cautious about what you put in your mouth, so no fast food and try to eat foods that are nutritious before bed. So until next time, see you later! Bye.


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