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Today, what I want to talk to you about is having fearful thoughts. Many people think that they are going to get hurt if they just do things, and that is correct, but if you do something you love, the likelihood of that occurring drops dramatically. That’s what our tip is about today. If you do something you love, it will never truly hurt you.

Now, if you do something that you love in a careless manner, then yes it will hurt you. For example, if I decide to go running in the outdoor terrain or I’m hiking, but not wearing the proper shoes, that can hurt my body. If you’re working at your body’s capability, don’t do anything that your body is not ready for. Do it at a slower rate, but still do the things that you love because that’s what is going to get you out there and moving. Yet there are so many reasons why you can get hurt.

Now, let me tell you some of the things that will make you understand why you wouldn’t get hurt. There’s a beautiful thing that happens when you have an internal smile. When you smile internally and you’re doing the things that you love your body functions ten times better. It’s aware of what it needs to do and how it needs to do it. What you don’t know is that your body is already in that place of effective functionality.



So if you’re out there running, biking, or swimming, and you’re in the zone thinking that you love doing it, you’re not worried about anything and your body is going to function better. However, that internal smile is key. You have to start learning how to do that and one of the best places to do so is out in nature. I love walking in the spring because you see flowers blooming, and there is an entire earthing component that comes with it. Once you connect with nature, the world, the universe, your body is already in its prime. It’s already doing the things that it needs to do and that’s where you’re going to get so much more power of happiness. Once you’re happy, that’s where things start venting and your body literally starts letting go of all the negative things because you are bringing in so much positive energy. That’s the key to everything.

It’s not always about going to the gym. The gym is great but if you don’t like the gym and you’re just going through the motions, it doesn’t work effectively because your body will fight it so much more than when it is in that internal happy place. Within that space or zone, there is least resistance. I’m not saying it won’t work, but you will have to work harder to get your body in a happy state. Your body is designed to shed pounds, look toned, and be fit. Yet the key is finding the place where you’re doing it in the happiest state. In this state, you will shed pounds faster than ever and your body will show you the things that it needs. If you are walking around or running and having trouble getting your leg up over a boulder or bending, your body is going to show you instantly.

So once you start doing things that you love, it all balances itself out. The body shows you what you need and then it gives you what you want. If you want to lose weight, or continue to do things that you love, then it will never be a job. Do what you love and you will never think of it as a chore because you will want to do it more. The body won’t want to work so hard, so it will make things more efficient. That’s the way the body works.

It’s that easy, but you have to find that internal happy place first. The tip for this week is finding something that you love and then doing it as much as possible. Your body is going to move into equilibrium without you even trying and that’s the key to happiness.

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