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What’s up everybody? Patrick Lerouge here from Evolve Restorative Therapy. You can find me at livepainfreeprocess.com. I’m here to help you eliminate pain for the long-term and enhance your life performance as well as your physical empowerment. Today what I want to talk to you about is nurturing yourself instead of always trying to fix yourself. There is a big difference between the two. You are always progressing but with the latter, you want to fix something, because it is broken. A common thing I hear from people is that they want to fix themselves. It gets you to the same place, but it does it in a more forceful manner that comes with many hurdles. You don’t always want to fix yourself because you’re not broken. You have to realize that your body is working the best it can, with the resources it has and that is what you want to change. You want to start getting into the habit of doing something consistently that will fill up those resources so your body can perform better, instead of putting a quick fix in there.


The only person, who can pull you down, is yourself. I really believe this. If people are bringing you down, it’s because you are allowing them to, yet there are always choices. There are always options and you just have to choose. Now, when it comes to pain, personal development, and growth, you are number one, because you are not doing the things you need to do. Let’s talk about this for a bit.



The resources that you have, take time to develop. This is key. That’s why you have to nurture yourself. You have to grow the things that you need, just like you would a plant. You’re not going to plant a tomato plant and tell it to pop out and feed you. No, you want to nurture it and make sure you take care of it. You need to do this for yourself, but realize that it takes time to grow and doing this takes consistent effort in cleaning yourself. For instance, your blood takes 60-90 days to clean itself. In other words, your body is cleaning your blood throughout the 90 days, a little at a time. So you have to consistently do things that will regulate the cleanliness of your blood, by observing the intake of acidic juices, sugar, water and looking at how well your kidneys and liver are functioning. What are you doing on a daily basis to cater to this? You have to incorporate all these things into your daily life and eventually within a year of you doing this properly, your body is going to want to do well, because it is working with better resources. That’s the key – better resources. You have to be easy on yourself, because you aren’t broken, you’re just working with limited resources. So the more you understand that your body is working as hard as it can, the more you can be at ease with yourself. Then you can start catering to yourself more and start doing things that you love more.


It’s also important to nurture the emotional and mental aspects of yourself, in addition to the physical part. If you are not nurturing yourself there, what reason will your body have to get out of bed? For example, you can start going out paragliding, or to the park to paint beautiful scenery. If you are into action, do some action. As long as you are on your body’s terms, your body is going to run with you. Now that’s the key. So stop trying to fix yourself, and start trying to nurture yourself. Both get you into a progressive state, but one is for the long-term and the other has short-term goals. Just like people who walk into money, if they didn’t earn it, they are going to be frivolous with it, but if they worked hard for that money, they are going to nurture it. They know where they were got them to where they are. The more you work, the better you are going to become. Those quick fixes fail for many reasons on the backend, because you never earned them. Start doing the things that are going to nurture you, based off of love, what you love, and what your body is agreeing with at that time. Do things slowly and give yourself time. Love the process, love the journey, and I guarantee you things are going to get better. If you liked the video, please like it and if you know somebody who needs it, please send it to them. This is all about nurturing yourself, so get on the long trail and let’s start moving! Until next time. Bye.

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