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What’s up? Patrick Lerouge here. I’m an intuitive healing expert, as well as the creator of the Live Pain-Free Process. You can find me at livepainfreeprocess.com. I help people understand that everything in the body connects. You just have to learn how to use the connectivity to eliminate pain quickly and effectively. What we’re going to be talking about today is why therapists and doctors fall apart. I’ve been working with a ton of therapists and doctors now and I realize that they’re falling apart easily for two reasons. One, they’re doing what they love with a lot of intensity, so they push and keep pushing to do what they love, which is helping people. Number two, they’re doing what they love, but they’re not doing it the way they love to do it. What therapists are doing is they’re learning great techniques from other therapists and are doing the techniques that they learn in a way where it’s not going to be natural.


So, let’s take this apart really quickly. These therapists are burning out, and they’re doing really hard, taxing work. They’re doing it all with one thought in mind: “I have to fix them; they’re here for help.”  Therapists wear their hearts on their sleeves; they’re here to help. So, we often feel and say “I have to do this. I have to help them get out of pain,” so we push harder to get to our goal. That is the normal cycle, but you did not realize that you have been hitting a wall because that person’s body naturally protects them unless they are allowing it in, but it’s only going to be allowed in if that person accepts and is willing to go through the process of finishing it up. Otherwise, the body just protects against it right then or makes you think you have one just to protect better next time. So if a person doesn’t want to take care of themselves, you’re always going to hit somewhat of a wall, and if you’re pushing hard and you’re trying to shove it down their throat, you’ve hit the wall, too.  You will have to push harder, and you’re using a lot of intensity that you don’t need to.

If you back off the intensity a little bit, you’re still helping that person do whatever you have to do with this person, but you’re not putting all the intensity in it, and then your body is running at a pace that’s sustainable; that’s number one. Recognize that how much you’re actually putting in. If you’re a body worker, how hard are you trying to help someone, and how much taxation are you putting specific areas of your body in? How much are putting into your session? Ask yourself, do you feel drained after your session? And if you do feel drained, you now must recognize how much you’re working and look for the intensity we spoke about earlier, so then next time around, you’re working at a sustainable level. Where you are just feels vibrant and good. That’s number one.


Number two: You have to do things that you love in the way that you love to do it. I see a lot of therapists go to trainings and events where they learn amazing techniques from brilliant therapists with brilliant ways of working around what they created at their intensity level. The therapist attempts to do the techniques in the same way as the founder at the same intensity level to boot. What your body’s technically doing is something foreign. You have to work and try to make it fit your style. Here is a better thought: What if you started doing things and made up your own way? Take all that brilliant knowledge, put it into your filter, and don’t spit out what that other person said. Spit out what you learn from it because you did it from your own experience; that’s when your body’s going to start to perform better. That’s when your body’s going to start actually growing and actually doing things in a way where it’s vibrant. The endless energy is going to spew out of you. That’s when your body starts to really perform at a higher grade because it’s doing something that it knows based off of knowledge that you know works because it worked on you. It’s not reading something from a textbook.


So if you’re doing body work, and you’re not confident in it because you haven’t learned it, that’s when your body’s going to fall apart. This goes the same way for people that are not therapists, so if you’re not a therapist, and you’re reading this, it’s your self-care I am talking about. You have to do your foam rolling, your stretching, your yoga practice, your Pilates, your whatever you choose to do. You have to take what that person is telling you, put it into your own language, see how your body works with it, and then go do it. Do all the different styles or techniques but in your own language, based on what your body wants, and that’s when it’s going to be accepted, guaranteed.


So it’s two-fold. One, you’re working with too high an intensity. Two, you’re doing the things that you love but not the way you love to do it. Those are the two things that you have to start focusing on folks, and hopefully this helped. If it did, give me a shout out. I’d love to know what you thought about this. What did your body come up with? What’s going on? Talk to me, because I love the interaction I am getting.  If you aren’t already part of the family, please sign up. Until next time folks



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